Enabling digitalization through a solution, that many can afford.

Enabling digitalization requires more than broadband cable, faster mobile phone standards, and WiFi access. Technology must also be made accessible by creating solutions that can be widely used without any special technical knowledge and that are affordable for as many people as possible. With monamu, we keep both of these things in mind, with the aim of creating maximum societal benefit.

Affordable with stable and transparent long-term costs, while maintaining high quality.

A subscription is, if you will, a form of solidarity-based financing. Many people contribute a small amount to support and further develop a large and complex piece of technology. The decisive factor here is that not every institution has its own app, but that everyone uses the same app and the same backend system. This also makes it possible to sustainably finance a high-quality solution over the long term. Not only do you have stable costs as a result, but we also have stable income, and to ensure that our profits do not skyrocket if we are successful, we have also come up with a profit brake for your benefit, among other things. More on this in the final chapter on sustainable digital economics.

monamu gets better every day and your offerings can grow with monamu, without increasing your costs.

Investing in technology usually carries future risks. Technology can become outdated as, for example, new versions of operating systems are released, or as legal requirements such as GDPR compliance or accessibility regulations require adjustments. New technologies emerge that you would like to adopt, but your application has to be expanded first. In case of your own app, you usually have to pay for these indefinite costs for updates and further development. However, with monamu, this risk is covered by your monthly subscription. This also applies to the development of new features and improvements to existing ones.

We keep an eye on your costs, and not only through low prices. We offer additional solutions for tight budgets.

Generating content can also cost a lot of money, and even small monthly expenses can add up over time. This is one of the reasons why we are thinking about other ways to make the production of professional multimedia guides more affordable. For instance, our built-in Text2Speech generator allows you to create audio files directly from text within the monamu Workspace. This allows you to test your tours before the audio is recorded in a studio with a speaker, but you can also use this technology to retain maximum flexibility or to offer a fourth foreign language, for example. And, of course, to save money. Another way to support you financially will be made available in the near future in the form of a donation button that can be integrated into the tours. This will give smaller houses the chance to operate monamu on a cost-neutral basis. To the cost plans.

Try for free, two months free with an annual subscription.

No plan fits or you need monamu for studying or teaching? Contact us !

With the monamu Workspace you have full control over all your content at all times.

You can edit and expand tours, stations and all associated content at any time with an easy-to-use, browser-based user interface. Read the next chapter to find out exactly what this entails.