When many people use the same tool many ideas arise on how to make the best use of it.

We encourage the exchange between our subscribers to enable the development and accessibility of good practices. Transparency in both development and planning should help to ensure that what what gets built is truly needed.

Inspiration and great ideas through a community of subscribers and professionals.

We want to promote a user community around monamu. We want to create the opportunity to learn from each other in both creative and practical areas. It is already becoming apparent that a market of professionals such as copywriters, speakers, recording studios, art and cultural historians, curators, media designers, translators, and more is emerging around the application. This means that in the future there will be a pool of experienced professionals who are familiar with monamu and can therefore provide optimum support.

monamu is a product of sustainable digital economy.

Learn what this means and how it benefits users, visitors and society as a whole on the next page.